[chirp_users] Chirp On Puppy Linux

Jeffrey Vian
Fri Mar 17 18:51:30 PDT 2023

You install and run it differently since chirp-next is actually a python3

I installed python3-pip, then as my user I installed chirp-next as my
regular user using pip.
Will need to check my notes and verify the steps on  a new clean install of
Fedora 37 and Chirp-next.  (you did not note the OS you are running, but I
assume it is linux.)

However, if you install it with pip as a regular user it is installed under
/home/USER/.local/ and the executable is ~/.local/bin/chirp.
You will need to install (using pip) the wheel and wxpython and attrdict3
packages, but I don't remember what all else is required.  This is why I
need to repeat the clean install and verify my notes.

It runs in a venv if installed in that manner so nothing else is needed to
run it.  Check your $PATH and if it includes ~/.local/bin then the command
'chirp' is all that will be required.


On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 4:05 PM John KB2SCS <kb2scsjb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All
>          To run the python 2 version of chirp I would download the .tar.gz
> file and extract it to a directory.
> I would then open a terminal window in that directory. Then run Chirp with
> the following command
> Python Chirpw.py
> I am trying to run the python 3 version of chirp using the same method.
> My first problem is there is not any chirps.py file to run so I have no
> idea which file is the one I should run.
> My question is how do I run the latest version of chirp running the source
> code?
> Thank you all for your time in reading this email.
> Best regards
> John
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