[chirp_users] Errors when trying to read from Icom IC-92AD

W Paul Mills
Sat Jun 17 16:52:57 PDT 2023

You might try a different computer and/or operating system. I seem to 
remember having trouble with the Icom live on linux, but not on windows. 
Been a long time ago, so can't remember details for sure, could have 
been the other way around.

On 6/16/23 18:45, Joe Martine wrote:
> Today I received a cable for my Kenwood TH-F6A and find it has the 
> same problem as the Icom. These two are the only "live mode" radios 
> I've tried, perhaps my issue is more generally with live mode?
> The TH-F6A cable is a USB version, branded Maxton Data.  When 
> connecting to the radio most memory channels are red, a few actually 
> show up correctly.  This time I tried adding some data to an empty 
> memory that was successfully read.  Surprisingly, this does *usually* 
> work.  A couple of times the frequency would show up in the radio, but 
> when I added an offset or tone the software seemed to indicate it was 
> sent (green highlight then back to white) but the radio never showed 
> the change.  On one entry I made another change (change step size or 
> something) and BOTH changes finally showed up on the radio.
> While Chirp was trying to read the memories the console showed many 
> repeats of "Unexpected result returned from radio" and "Not sure what 
> to do with this:" followed by either a '0' or a line of gibberish.
> Anyone have thoughts or suggestions to try?
> Thanks,
> Joe
>> I have recently gotten back to playing with my radios after a few 
>> years (too many hobbies!) and was pleased to find Chirp can work with 
>> all of them.  At this point I've successfully read and reprogrammed 
>> several radios but my IC-92AD is not cooperating.
>> I have the Icom programming cable and have tried reading its memory 
>> on Mac, Win and Linux with roughly the same result.  Chirp reads 
>> data, but with lots of errors.  Mac/Linux seem most successful, with 
>> just a few memory channels marked in red, Windows fails on almost 
>> all.  But even the channels that do get read aren't quite right.  
>> There may be duplicated channel numbers, one blank the other with a 
>> frequency in it.  The channel numbers may be out of order.  Or some 
>> have incorrect data.
>> A screenshot of one read attempt (this morning):
>> http://www.n5usr.net/images/230615_chirp/92ADLive_230615.png
>> Note for memories 21-27, that block is actually all FRS frequencies.  
>> The ham repeater entries are valid entries but they are NOT in memory 
>> locations 21 / 23 / 25 / 27.
>> I also made a log file for one run (not this morning's, but similar 
>> results):
>> http://www.n5usr.net/images/230615_chirp/IC92AD.log
>> Am I doing something wrong?  Perhaps a setting in the radio that 
>> needs to be changed?  I've looked through the options and nothing 
>> strikes me as likely but you never know...
>> Chirp version is: CHIRP next-20230608 on all three platforms.
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* Amateur Radio Station AC0HY                     *
* W. Paul Mills         SN807                     *
* Assistant EC Alpha-1 ARES Shawnee/Wabaunsee, KS *
* President Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club         *

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