[chirp_users] error reading from radio

Stuart Longland VK4MSL
Wed Jan 18 15:01:18 PST 2023

On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:11:13 -0600
"K0LNY_Glenn" <glenn at ervin.email> wrote:

> Once I put in the right radio, it worked as expected.
> Funny though that it did not tell me it was the wrong model, like it has 
> when I used the wrong option when downloading.

There's probably no way for the software to tell what sort of radio is
plugged in, so it has to take what the user tells it at face value.

I had the same thing with the Alinco DJ-G7T… at first it told me there
was a comms time-out which suggested the adaptor (which was new) did
not work.  Then I had a look at the various patches floating around and
started hacking and determined the code was just sending the wrong
codes to the radio and it therefore was ignoring me.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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