[chirp_users] chirp-next Repeater Book options

Dan Smith
Sat Jan 7 12:43:09 PST 2023

> The check all or none selection mostly for lazy bulk selection or deselection.  As for why I would have a selection , where I live and the place I’ve been traveling to tends to have a large variety of different bands.  In the San Francisco bay area, there’s lot to pick through for un/wanted results.    Legacy version allowed me to say just grab just 220 bands, or sort by frequencies via memory slots page, and trim out what I need and dont need.  Chirp-Next doesnt seem to have either functions.  Its more a quality of life thing, I guess? 

Okay, fair enough.

> I’ll do that, and my best to articulate the logic around it. 

Thanks, I've got something to push up for tomorrow against that when I see it. It's not perfect, but hopefully it will at least partially address the concern :)


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