[chirp_users] FTM-3100R

W Paul Mills
Tue Aug 8 12:05:25 PDT 2023

Also notice that several other of the unknown's change at this point.

On 8/8/23 13:55, W Paul Mills wrote:
> I don't have a FTM-3100 and am not a developer.
> Looking in the browser tab root -> memory[199][0-13] -> unknown5 = 0x0
> -> unknown 6 = 0x0
> and root -> memory[199][14-198] -> unknown5 = 0x3
> -> unknown6 = 0x1
> It also looks like Chirp has not implemented programming the priority
> channel.
> Looks like a bug report may be in order.
> On 8/6/23 20:40, Andy Zaayenga via chirp_users wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I've got a new-to-me Yaesu FTM-3100R. Picked up a cable from BlueMax49ers to
>> run with CHIRP.  I downloaded the radio using the FTM-3200D R template as
>> per the CHIRP home page. Downloading and uploading works fine.
>> I copied and pasted from my Yaesu FT-60R img 63 of the frequencies I monitor
>> that are covered by the FTM-3100R. Uploading those to the radio works fine
>> and downloading shows them all in memory.
>> However, I notice that when I scan all 63 frequencies the radio only scans
>> the first 14. The display just stops on the 14th location while the numbers
>> under MR keep counting up to 63. Then it cycles back to location 1.  I have
>> the radios side by side and the FT-60R scans all the locations while the
>> FTM-3100R only the first 14.
>> The specs say the radio has 199 memory locations which is consistent with
>> the CHIRP img
>> * 199 "basic" memory channels, numbered "1" through "199".
>> But the CHIRP image doesn't show the home channel or any of the L or U
>> locations.
>> * A "Home" channel, providing storage and quick recall of one prime
>> frequency.
>> * 10 sets of band-edge memories, also known as "Programmable Memory Scan"
>> channels, labeled "L0/U0" through "L9/U9".
>> Does anyone out there have an FTM-3100R and can let me know if I'm doing
>> something wrong? I'm wondering if there's some issue with the FTM-3200D R
>> template WRT the FTM-3100R.
>> Thanks from a first-time poster!
>> 73
>> Andy Zaayenga
>> Yaesu FT-60R, Yaesu FTM-3100R
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* Amateur Radio Station AC0HY                     *
* W. Paul Mills         SN807                     *
* Assistant EC Alpha-1 ARES Shawnee/Wabaunsee, KS *
* President Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club         *

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