[chirp_users] Puxing PX-2R "not responding"

christoph at grothesque.org
Tue Jan 12 14:40:12 PST 2021

Dave B via chirp_users wrote:

> If you look in the bug report page:-
> https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6389 that I instigated a while ago...

This is one of the bug reports that I had looked through before posting
on this list.  I have doubts your problem and mine are related.  You
seem to be able to download something.  In my case the radio is not

By the way, I noticed that the orange LED above the display goes off
during chirp’s download attempt.  I observe the same when I open
/dev/ttyUSB0 with minicom.

If someone can suggest a way to debug my problem (for example with
minicom) I’d be happy to try that out.


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