[chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 111, Issue 15

Dennis Wage
Fri Mar 23 18:32:27 PDT 2018

I also don't know what all the fuss is about. My son gave me and his
brother UV-5R's for Christmas and after I got my cable off Amazon I was
good to go on Windows 10.

As a side note, I am ready to take my technician test. April 12th. Wish me

I hope to get this vanity call sign. WB3HAM.  I am a musician and play the
HAMmond B3.

And I just bought a Heathkit GR-91 of eBay, which was my childhood receiver
as a Novice WN9BOQ.

Dennis M. Wage

245 Corum Hill Road
Castalian Springs, TN 37031
(615) 310-4242 Cell
(615) 562-5128 Home

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Trevor Holyoak <trevor at holyoak.com> wrote:

> That is a good point, actually. I haven't had any more difficulty using my
> Baofeng cable with Windows than I have with any other plug in device. In
> fact, I've had more problems getting an ADB connection working between
> Android devices and Windows.
> And upgrading my Yaesu FT-991 isn't much different from doing a BIOS
> upgrade on a PC. But I understand that not everyone has had such experience.
> On 3/23/2018 3:24 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
> Do not all radio manufacturers, or their dealers, have programming cables
> for sale?
> Or is it just that most amateurs are too tight to buy the cable that goes
> with the radio and want everything on the cheap?
> I would suggest that the driver issue is one for your operating system
> supplier, Linux seems to support them all "out of the box".
> On 23 March 2018 at 16:59 Brandon Clark <kl7bsc at gmail.com>
> <kl7bsc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not to interrupt this fascinating discussion on who owns csv files, but to
> get back to the point . . .
> As one respondent correctly pointed out, ham radio is supposed to require
> some technical attitude. I think that's true, and that it is a good thing
> for the hobby. However, my opinion is that the difficulty of interfacing
> with and programming radios exists because the process is fundamentally
> overcomplicated and cumbersome, not because it requires more skill than
> some hams have. It's just a bad model for how to accomplish the process,
> and we all know it hurts the hobby by discouraging new hams.
> By comparison, I could buy a $50 burner phone and a $5 USB cord and
> interface that phone with any modern computer system to transfer data. Plug
> and play. Middle school kids build $30 raspberry pi systems that log
> weather, track motion, and do all kinds of cool things. But to program a
> $1,000 radio I have to search eBay for a cable, locate drivers somewhere
> in the bowels of the internet, and then download an image from the device.
> Honestly ask yourself this, if you had to do all these steps in order to
> get music downloaded on your phone how many people would just say, "heck
> no, it isn't worth it!" Probably a lot.
> Ham radio is all about finding challenges; that's true. But if the hobby
> is going to survive long term there has to be accessible avenues to at
> least get started in the hobby. HT and mobile rigs can't be using 80's tech
> forever, or it will make us look like dinosaurs, and keep new hams away.
> Let them build radios from kits, terminate cables, and make homebrew vacuum
> tubes from bubble gum and shot glasses when they get more advanced.
> Brandon
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> Nigel A. Gunn, 1865 El Camino Drive, Xenia, OH 45385-1115, USA. tel +1
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> Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF (was KC8NHF 9H3GN), e-mail nigel at ngunn.net www
> http://www.ngunn.net
> Member of ARRL, QRPARCI #11644, SOC #548, Flying Pigs QRP Club
> International #385,
> Dayton ARA #2128, AMSAT-NA LM-1691, GCARES, EAA382.
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