[chirp_users] Looking for assistance

Gene Anderson
Wed Jun 7 16:50:42 PDT 2017

Last summer while in China I purchased a Baofeng UV-5R.  I found it 
difficult to program by the keypad, so I later purchased a programming 
cable and have installed Chirp in an effort to program the radio.

I have followed the "Basic Procedure for Programming" from the Chirp 
Beginner's Guide Wiki.  But I get the following error message when 
trying to "Download from radio":

"Radio refused to send block 0x0140"

The block address doesn't come up the same every time.  I also had these 
values from a handful of other attempts: (0x0300, 0x0380, 0x0280, 0x0240).
The Cloning process does not complete.

I am using CHIRP daily-20170603 within Xubuntu 17.04

UV-5R firmware version is: 297 (according to screen info when pressing 
"3" and turning radio on)

USB cable seems to have this USB/serial converter: Prolific Technology, 
Inc. PL2303 Serial Port

I am new to VHF/UHF operation and HT operation in general.  Not 
completely new to Linux.  Have only one cable and one rig.  Here in 
rural Taiwan at the moment, I don't know anyone else who owns a UV-5R, 
so I can't test the cable or radio against other units.

I did read the FAQ and lots of other info, but nothing I saw there 
seemed to address my issue.

Sincerely yours,


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