[chirp_users] Radio did not ack programming mode error in Linux; worked a few weeks ago!

Walter Francis
Thu Mar 5 15:43:08 PST 2015

This is very strange, I'm not sure what to make of it...  I haven't programmed my Baofeng B5 in a few weeks, and today I wanted to add a few more channels to it, so I got out my cable, plugged it in, ran Chirp, try to send...  Radio did not ack error immediately.  Also tried to Download, same.

My chirp version hasn't changed (Chirp 0.4.1; installed in November) and my radio hasn't changed.  OS hasn't changed (Fedora 20, x64), although it's possible I've gotten a kernel update since the last time I programmed.

Cable is plugged in all of the way, I've replugged it multiple times, different ports, etc.  I haven't dropped the radio, the cable was curled up and put in a drawer for the last few weeks, etc.  Very weird.

Anyone have any guesses?  I programmed it dozens of times screwing around when I first got it and never once had an issue.  I always got the same error at the END of programming but it seemed fine.  Now it happens immediately and does nothing.

The adapter shows up on dev/ttyUSB0, I have write access to the device, etc.  Radio is on unused channels, powered off and back on, etc.

Here's the traceback if it's useful..

User selected Baofeng UV-B5 on port /dev/ttyUSB0
Clone thread started
-- Exception: --
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chirpui/clone.py", line 227, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chirp/uvb5.py", line 305, in sync_in
    self._mmap = do_download(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chirp/uvb5.py", line 196, in do_download
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chirp/uvb5.py", line 177, in do_ident
    raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not ack programming mode")
RadioError: Radio did not ack programming mode
Clone failed: Radio did not ack programming mode
Clone thread ended
--- Exception Dialog: Radio did not ack programming mode ---

Walter Francis


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