[chirp_users] Error Trying To Download From FT-1D

Tom Hayward
Thu Feb 12 12:22:40 PST 2015

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Aubrey Turner
<aubrey.c.turner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I finally found the driver installer and unpack it (using WINE on Ubuntu so
> as not to mess up my Windows laptop).
> What I found is that the Windows driver is just a repackaged version of the
> FTDI drivers using the vendor and device IDs that RATOC has assigned to the
> cable.
> So, you might be able to try using modprobe to load the the FTDI driver
> (ftdi_sio) and the RATOC IDs.  It's not guaranteed to work, but it may be
> worth a try.

You should be able to automate this with a udev rule, too. There's
more information here:

Who was that complaining about the Chirp website?


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