[chirp_users] How in the world . . . .

Tom Hayward
Wed Feb 4 11:52:36 PST 2015

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Michael Pittaro <mikeyp at lhrc.com> wrote:
> 1) Mailman should be intercepting most of these 'unsubscribe' requests
> to the main list and queueing them up as admin requests; the mailing
> list config probably needs to be tweaked to enable that.

Mailman is intercepting the "unsubscribe" requests, but not the
"unsubscribing", "remove me", or "don't send me this stuff anymore"
requests. I can hardly blame it; Mailman is not a native English
speaker (it's written in Python ;-).

Maybe you can suggest some rules to capture this stuff?


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