[chirp_users] Yaesu FT-7900 R/E question

Robert Terzi
Thu Mar 7 07:47:21 PST 2013

On 3/7/2013 5:59 AM, Amateur Radio WB8NUT wrote:
>  Does anyone know who this 'person' is?

While he goes by Phaeton here, he uses his real name on the Yahoo group
for a recent Chinese dual-band mobile radio that he moderates with a very
heavy hand.

When a person volunteered that he would be developing a readable manual for
the radio on a wiki, the list owner said that wouldn't be allowed because
it might contain incorrect information.  So now there is a 2nd yahoo group
for that radio with a different owner.

I don't really want to continue this thread, but I suspect some of the
misguided bile will come up again in his yahoo group.

Dan, Tom, Marco, and others are doing a fabulous job volunteering to
work on a free software project and running it more professionally than many
paid projects I've been involved with at major firms.

Reverse engineering poorly documented radios is hard enough.  The whole USB
serial cable/driver debacle is a mess that is just adds to the confusion
and saps productive energy from everyone involved.  Yet Dan manages to
keep chirp going on a very productive and positive direction.

Thanks Dan.


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