[chirp_users] Icom ID-880H Macintosh Interconnectivity

Sat Sep 15 04:03:30 PDT 2012

So, the driver works, but the installer does an incomplete job?

Either way, most awesome!


On 9/15/2012 2:30 AM, Mike Hannibal wrote:
> Just further to my last email.
> I plugged the IC-7200 in and tried Download from Radio and immediately
> got a download. I have another driver for that radio installed however,
> from this information:
>>         Where can I get a Mac driver for my ICOM IC-7200, IC-7600,
>>         IC-9100, Kenwood TS-590S, Elecraft KX3 or Ten-Tec Eagle USB
>>         direct connect ?
>> The USB/UART Bridge chip inside the Icom and Kenwood radios is a
>> *Silicon Labs USB to UART Bridge Controller* and the Mac drivers are
>> available here
>> <http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx>.
> On this page: http://www.dogparksoftware.com/mldxfc_faq.html#connection
> That driver doesn't show up in Network Prefs either but it works ;)
> ###
> So spurred on I found this page:
> http://www.planet-rcs.de/article/mac_serial_port/
> The key text is:
>> After the installation has finished, you do not need to immediately
>> reboot. Before rebooting your Mac you should plug in your
>> USB-to-Serial Adaptor and open the Apple System Profiler (Apple-Menu >
>> About this Mac > More Information). In the USB section note the
>> Product-ID and Vendor-ID of your USB-to-Serial Adaptor.
>> <http://images.planet-rcs.de/article/m/mac_serial_port/system_profiler_1.jpg>
>> Now open a terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal), go
>> to//System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext/Contents/ and
>> open the file /Info.plist/(plist = Property List) in your favourite
>> editor (e.g. vi). Now scroll down to the section starting with
>> /<key>067B_2303</key>/ (it may differ a bit, important is the part
>> "2303"). In this section locate the entries /idProduct/ and /idVendor/
>> and fill in the values gathered from the System Profiler a few minutes
>> earlier. It should then look something like this:
>> <key>067B_2303</key>
>>                  <dict>
>>                          ...
>>                          <key>idProduct</key>
>>                          <integer>8963</integer>
>>                          <key>idVendor</key>
>>                          <integer>1659</integer>
>>                  </dict>
> Having done that in vi and saved the file I then loaded the kext using
> kextload and lo and behold I had a new serial port available.
> I went into Chirp and it was there and I could download from the ID-880H!!
> I thought I'd post this for completeness in case anybody else had this
> problem.
> Kind regards
> Mike
> On 15/09/2012, at 6:25 PM, Mike Hannibal <pelorus32 at gmail.com
> <mailto:pelorus32 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> 1. Can you use the Icom OPC-1529R cable with Chirp and a USB-serial
>>>> adapter?
>>> Yep, should be able to.
>> Thanks for the response Dan.
>> OK I've tried both the OPC-1529R with the Belkin adaptor and the
>> OPC478UC - the USB cable with absolutely no luck. Both these cables
>> are recommended by ICOM for the ID-880H, but ICOM only supply drivers
>> for Windows.
>> I downloaded the Prolific driver which they say works with Mac OS 10.8
>> ...and I can't get it to load. I then downloaded the Netherlands
>> driver (osx-pl2303.kext) and I've got it loaded and a serial port
>> available.
>> However when I choose "Download from Radio" Chirp simply says
>> "Cloning" very briefly and then "An error has occurred. Unexpected
>> response from radio"
>> Important to note that the serial port does not show up in Network
>> Prefs but when I issue kextstat I get this back: 131 0
>> 0xffffff7f81eb6000 0xb000 0xb000 nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303
>> (1.0.0d1) <122 33 5 4 3>
>> So it's loaded.
>> I'd really appreciate it if there is anyone out there using Mac OS
>> 10.8.1 and ID-880H and Chirp if they could tell me just exactly what
>> they do to get it to work (it's not _that_ unusual a combination ;)).
>> I really don't want to have to go the whole memory hogging VMWare route.
>> Kind regards
>> Mike
>>>> 2. If not which cable do I use - is it the Icom OPC-478UC and if so
>>>> does this work without any drivers on the Mac OS? I'm not after
>>>> cheap eBay cables - just reliable connectivity.
>>> The OPC-478 is the older cable, which has a TTL converter in it. Their
>>> newer radios have started to support cloning via the regular RS-232 port
>>> that they now have. I can't say I've tried it with the 880, but as
>>> consistent as the Icoms are, I'd expect no issues. I have an 880 here, I
>>> guess I should check it :)
>>>> 3. If I can use the OPC-1529R then does anyone have a USB-serial
>>>> adapter which they are using on Mac OS 10.8.x with that cable which
>>>> works well? If so which one?
>>>> From my experience, the KeySpan is the best one for your platform. It's
>>> big (although I wouldn't call it clunky), but it has a removable cable
>>> and does a lot of neat stuff that the others won't.
>>> What chip/driver is in your Belkin? They're usually prolific, which is
>>> the most common, but also the most commonly problematic on MacOS, in my
>>> experience. I think Tom would argue for FTDI-based gear, but I'll let
>>> him speak up.
>>>> Just with respect to a current discussion on the list about Mac where it
>>>> was suggested it is a "boutique platform" - I'm not sure that you can
>>>> say that about the biggest selling laptop platform in the US for the
>>>> last quarter ;)
>>> Heh, I hadn't heard that, and I'm certainly skeptical of such a claim.
>>> However, regardless of growth, there's a lot of ground to make up.
>>> Further, due to Windows' architecture, some of the driver cores have
>>> been around longer than OSX has been a commercial product.
>>> Yikes, I sound like a Windows advocate. Ya'll know I don't own a single
>>> machine with Windows on it, right?? :)
>>> --
>>> Dan Smith
>>> www.danplanet.com <http://www.danplanet.com/>
>>> KK7DS
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