[chirp_users] FT-2800 and Kawamall cable

Jack Generaux
Thu Mar 8 19:02:50 PST 2012

I tried both the stable release and the latest beta.

On Mar 8, 2012, at 6:01 PM, Dan Smith wrote:

>> I have been attempting to use Chirp (both W7 and Ubuntu platforms) and
>> am unable to achieve any transfer.  I open Chirp and the download menu,
>> set Com1, Yaesu, and 2800 >> then set the 2800 by pressing the 3 clone
>> buttons >>   when I press the MHz button, the 2800 responds with "error"
>> Trying to engage  Chirp first results in s "no header" error.  I know
>> the com1 port is working as I use it regularly for other programs and I
>> have used the cable and the trial version of g4hfq prog.  Any thoughts
>> would be appreciated.
> Which version of chirp?
> The radio should already be in clone mode before clicking OK on the
> clone settings box in chirp. Once you see the empty progress bar, then
> you can initiate the transfer from the radio side.
> I don't have a 2800 but I know they are extremely picky. Maybe one of
> the other 2800 owners here can comment.
> -- 
> Dan Smith
> www.danplanet.com

Jack Generaux
10248 Farley St
Overland Park, KS  66212
913-599-1995 816-506-5548(c)
9artus at gmail.com

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