[chirp_users] Schedule for Support of Radios

Alan Foster
Mon Jul 23 13:17:45 PDT 2012

The pgm loads but I can't find the port. When I look in device mgr. the software that installed driver is no where to befoud. 
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:28:59 -0700
From: creede at gmail.com
To: chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Schedule for Support of Radios

    We need more information. In what way doesn't it work? Does the
    program not launch? Does it not update the radio? Does it crash your
    computer? Does it run Excel instead of Chirp? Was it elected to
    Congress? Tell us as much as you can.


    Let me ask you a question first: Are you trying to program the radio
    with a USB cable that has a Prolific chipset? (This is the most
    common cause of not being able to update a radio using Chirp. Not
    all USB cables cause this problem, but a significant number do.)


    -- Creede



    On 07/23/2012 09:36 AM, Alan Foster wrote:
        I have a baofeng radio and I am using Windows 7 home premium and
        I cannot get the chirp pgm to work . Does anyone have a fix!


          Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 09:26:29 -0700

          From: creede at gmail.com

          To: chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com

          Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Schedule for Support of Radios




          Doesn't the FT-897D have the same support as the FT-857D?
          Everything I've ever read has told me they're the same radio
          in different housings.


          And yes, I agree, being able to provide multiple radios with
          the same set of frequencies is a wonderful thing. I am
          anxiously awaiting the day when Dan and his crew are able to
          add Quansheng TG-UV2 support to the list.


          73, Creede


          On 07/23/2012 08:24 AM, The Silver Fox wrote:
              I’ll beta the TG-UV5 if anyone every provides
                  chirp for it.
              Alan – W6ARH
                  From: chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com
                      [mailto:chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com]
                      On Behalf Of KG4RUL

                      Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 6:39 AM

                      To: chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com

                      Subject: [chirp_users] Schedule for Support
                      of Radios
              I am
                  the Emergency coordinator for our County ARES.  I have
                  the following radios that need to have a common set of
                  frequencies programmed into them:


                  VX-5R - Supported

                  FT-857D - Supported

                  FT-897D - Not Supported

                  FT-8800R - Supported

                  FT-7900R - Not Directly Supported (Programs as an

                  FT-2800M - Supported

                  TS-2000(x) - Not Supported

                  KG-UV6X - Not Supported

                  FT-60R - Supported


                  I have long said the ALL radio manufacturers should be
                  required to have a common dataset for programming
                  their radios.  Lo and Behold, I have found CHIRP!


                  If the not supported radios listed above could be
                  added, my life would be so much easier!


                  While I do not have spare radios to loan, I can
                  willingly be a Beta Tester.




                  Dennis, KG4RUL


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