[chirp_users] TPL files

Tom Hayward
Thu Jul 5 08:59:39 PDT 2012

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Franklin Sanor <wa8whp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Being a lazy type, can you add the ability to add tpl files from the ARRL
> repeater guide to the programming. That would greatly help travelers to
> program for different areas.
> Thanks for including this OLD ham.

I had a talk with the Travel Plus developer and his suggestion is to
not support tpl format in Chirp. Here's what he said:

"A TPL file is a Repeater LIST file - for example if he wanted to save
a particular repeater list for reference later - it would reopen from
TravelPlus via File > Open a Repeater List.

What he needs to do is create the repeater list as usual, complete
whatever sorting, selecting etc he wants to do, and then go to File >
Export Repeater Data and select Radio Programming Format -- this will
create a TPE file.  It should automatically create with this extension
but if not he should make sure it has that extension."

TPE is supported in the Chirp daily builds, so once you correctly
export to this format, you'll be able to import with Chirp!


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