[chirp_users] Unable to detect Kenwood TH-K2

Dan Smith
Sun Oct 30 08:44:05 PDT 2011

> Yes.

Dangit :)

What kind of cable are you using? A real Kenwood PG-4Y?

The log indicates that it's getting something back from the radio, but 
that it's garbage. This could be due to a bad cable, incorrect baud 
rate, or some other device being connected other than the radio. Is 
there any chance that something else has the serial port open already? 
Do you have multiple USB-to-serial adapters connected?

I'm at a bit of a loss here, since CHIRP is stuck at sending the "ID" 
command to the radio and isn't getting anything intelligible back in return.

Does anyone else have a TH-K2 that they could try to rule out any sort 
of CHIRP issues? Jim, perhaps?

Dan Smith

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