[chirp_users] Chirp IndexError

Benjamin Krueger
Wed May 4 16:18:37 PDT 2011

On May 4, 2011, at 4:02 PM, Dan Smith wrote:

>> It is the Prolific chipset and the drivers appear to work, having
>> created /dev/cu.usbserial. I'm sad to report that this is helpful,
>> but I'm still at a point where things don't work. The beginner's
>> guide perhaps assumes that the radio is already set up to be cloned?
>> I've tried cloning with the radio off, on, in clone mode, and in
>> clone mode ready to TX. All of these results fail. The VX-6R is a
>> pretty common radio, so I can't be the first user to have tried this
>> and run into issues. I'm looking for further suggestions, and I'd be
>> happy to update the beginner's guide to be more comprehensive for new
>> users.
> Well, first off, the beginner's guide comes from a time where CHIRP only 
> supported Icom radios.  Unlike Yaesu radios, Icom radios require no 
> special incantation to get them to initiate their clone, so the 
> procedure is purely software.  It definitely needs some updating.
> The procedure you need to follow is this:
> 1. Turn on the radio in clone mode
> 2. In chirp, go to "download from radio", choose your serial port, and
>    hit okay.  Wait for the box with the yet-to-be-filled progress bar
>    to appear
> 3. Hit the button on your VX-6 that puts it into TX mode.
> 4. Beer (hopefully)

That was my best guess for the proper procedure.

After clicking Okay, it reports "Cloning" and I direct the radio to start "TX". The console reports "Clone thread started". After a moment, the radio shows "ERROR", and Chirp shows "Cloning from radio" and waits for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, an error popup reports "An error has occured, ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found". Here's the entire console stack trace:

Clone thread started

-- Exception: --
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirpui/clone.py", line 217, in run
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 178, in sync_in
    self._mmap = clone_in(self)
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 69, in clone_in
    data += chunk_read(pipe, block, radio.status_fn)
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 53, in chunk_read
    status.cur = len(data)
Clone failed: 
Clone thread ended
Clone thread started

Clone completed in 269 seconds
-- Exception: --
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirpui/clone.py", line 217, in run
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 179, in sync_in
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 172, in check_checksums
    if checksum.get_existing(self._mmap) != \
  File "/Users/benkrueger/CHIRP/chirp-daily-05042011/chirp/yaesu_clone.py", line 140, in get_existing
    return ord(mmap[self._address])
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found
Clone failed: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found
Clone thread ended
--- Exception Dialog: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found ---
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Wed May  4 16:09:04 burakkuhoru.local Python[2727] <Error>: CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0

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