[chirp_users] debug.log

Mike Raymond
Thu Dec 15 07:45:38 PST 2011

Hi Dan,

Again thanks for the reply.

CHIRP uses COM3, which works well when cloning my Icom 2200H and UV-3A
Yes, the driver only appears when the USB cable is plugged in, remove it and
the driver goes away. Ideas?

73, Mike

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com> wrote:

> > Attached is debug log as per your instructions.
> Hmm, that looks like it's getting absolutely nothing from the radio
> after ten seconds. Remind me, which port are you choosing in CHIRP when
> you start the download?
> If you look in Device Manager, under ports, you should see a new port
> show up when you plug in your cable and go away when you unplug it. Are
> you seeing this behavior?
> --
> Dan Smith
> www.danplanet.com
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