[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #33: Config remember

CHIRP Tracker
Fri Jun 26 07:12:05 PDT 2009

#33: Config remember
 Reporter:  n6jsx@…          |        Type:  Bug      
   Status:  new              |    Priority:  Stability
Milestone:                   |   Component:  IC-91/92 
  Version:  0.1.9            |    Keywords:           
 Platform:  Windows          |  
 I'd sure like to NOT have to select my radio/comm port each time!

 For 91AD how about DL both VFO "A" and VFO "B" memory tables then let us
 toggle between them?

 Default to max memories available on that radio then let the user reduce
 the size rather then your per-set 25 memories.

 I was able to DL my existing 91AD VFO A memories and saved to your .chirp
 file. I try to open .chirp via NEW then OPEN the file... I get a constant
 error opening JSX-A.chirp. "Unable to load schema" message that appears

 I tried to convert two RS91 made .icf files - Chirp appears to open the
 files then asks me for a save name. I've typing a name like JSX-a.img and
 nothing gets made. A very brief window pops up I cannot read no .img is
 made (I looked throughout the PC folders/drives).

 Appears the program does not work with files functions.
 Running WinXP Pro w/SP3, 3gig speed, 2gig RAM

 Dale Kubichek, N6JSX /8, MS-EET
 owner of Yahoo Groups: ICOM-ID800H & IC91AD

Ticket URL: <http://chirp.danplanet.com/trac/ticket/33>
CHIRP <http://chirp.danplanet.com/trac>
CHIRP Development

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