[chirp_devel] [kguv9dplus] Not all programmed memories showing

Tony Fuller
Sun Aug 25 17:38:33 PDT 2019

Hi CHIRP devs,

A Wouxun KG-UV9d+ user (John) reports in issue #6995 that CHIRP is not displaying any frequencies he set.
I was able to reproduce this issue with the IMG file that John uploaded at https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6995

Upon inspection, in kguv9dplus.py on line 1099, we can find "if _valid != MEM_VALID:" and "mem.empty = True". 
It turns out that however John added these frequencies (via HT or manufacturer sw) the _valid variable sometimes has a value of 0, and sometimes 2.

One way to patch the driver is to change the logic so that "if _valid == MEM_INVALID:" then "mem.empty = True". 
Another way (proposed below) is to patch the driver to treat values of 0 and 2 like MEM_VALID.

Looking forward to feedback,


# HG changeset patch
# User Tony F <goldstar611 at hotmail.com>
# Date 1566779617 18000
#      Sun Aug 25 19:33:37 2019 -0500
# Branch issue_6995
# Node ID 578b10fb85f16a4e50b80a4871fc26fd25ebaee4
# Parent  f2f71d0cd6a9a2eadd18b6315afd6078a6519632
[kguv9dplus] Memories tab completely blank
Fixes #6995 https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/6995
Changes based on values in the uploaded IMG file

diff --git a/chirp/drivers/kguv9dplus.py b/chirp/drivers/kguv9dplus.py
--- a/chirp/drivers/kguv9dplus.py
+++ b/chirp/drivers/kguv9dplus.py
@@ -1096,7 +1096,9 @@
         mem = chirp_common.Memory()
         mem.number = number
         _valid = _mem.state
-        if _valid != MEM_VALID:
+        if _valid != MEM_VALID and _valid != 0 and _valid != 2:
+            # In Issue #6995 we can find _valid values of 0 and 2 in the IMG
+            # so these values should be treated like MEM_VALID.
             mem.empty = True
             return mem

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