[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [LT-725UV] Add Support for LUITON LT-725UV
Jim Unroe
Sat Sep 3 17:01:34 PDT 2016
# HG changeset patch
# User Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
# Date 1472946898 14400
# Node ID 75cb01b8fb0d0a0f523db839a1eb876839861050
# Parent 617ef175811dcf0d49b8dba8769e845972ebf672
[LT-725UV] Add Support for LUITON LT-725UV
This patch adds basic support for the LUITON LT-725UV mobile radio.
diff -r 617ef175811d -r 75cb01b8fb0d chirp/drivers/lt725uv.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chirp/drivers/lt725uv.py Sat Sep 03 19:54:58 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+# Copyright 2016:
+# * Jim Unroe KC9HI, <rock.unroe at gmail.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import time
+import struct
+import logging
+import re
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from chirp import chirp_common, directory, memmap
+from chirp import bitwise, errors, util
+from chirp.settings import RadioSettingGroup, RadioSetting, \
+ RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
+ RadioSettingValueString, RadioSettingValueInteger, \
+ RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings
+from textwrap import dedent
+#seekto 0x0200;
+struct {
+ u8 unknown1;
+ u8 volume;
+ u8 unknown2[2];
+ u8 wtled;
+ u8 rxled;
+ u8 txled;
+ u8 ledsw;
+ u8 beep;
+ u8 ring;
+ u8 bcl;
+ u8 tot;
+} settings;
+struct vfo {
+ u8 unknown1[2];
+ u32 rxfreq;
+ u8 unknown2[8];
+ u8 power;
+ u8 unknown3[3];
+ u24 offset;
+ u32 step;
+ u8 sql;
+#seekto 0x0300;
+struct {
+ struct vfo vfoa;
+} upper;
+#seekto 0x0380;
+struct {
+ struct vfo vfob;
+} lower;
+struct mem {
+ u32 rxfreq;
+ u16 is_rxdigtone:1,
+ rxdtcs_pol:1,
+ rxtone:14;
+ u8 recvmode;
+ u32 txfreq;
+ u16 is_txdigtone:1,
+ txdtcs_pol:1,
+ txtone:14;
+ u8 botsignal;
+ u8 eotsignal;
+ u8 power:1,
+ wide:1,
+ compandor:1
+ scrambler:1
+ unknown:4;
+ u8 namelen;
+ u8 name[6];
+ u8 unused;
+#seekto 0x0400;
+struct mem upper_memory[128];
+#seekto 0x1000;
+struct mem lower_memory[128];
+MEM_SIZE = 0x1C00
+BLOCK_SIZE = 0x40
+LIST_RECVMODE = ["", "QT/DQT", "QT/DQT + Signaling"]
+LIST_SIGNAL = ["Off"] + ["DTMF%s" % x for x in range(1, 9)] + \
+ ["DTMF%s + Identity" % x for x in range(1, 9)] + \
+ ["Identity code"]
+LIST_POWER = ["Low", "Mid", "High"]
+LIST_COLOR = ["Off", "Orange", "Blue", "Purple"]
+LIST_LEDSW = ["Auto", "On"]
+LIST_RING = ["Off"] + ["%s seconds" % x for x in range(1, 10)]
+LIST_TIMEOUT = ["Off"] + ["%s seconds" % x for x in range(30, 630, 30)]
+def _clean_buffer(radio):
+ radio.pipe.timeout = 0.005
+ junk = radio.pipe.read(256)
+ radio.pipe.timeout = STIMEOUT
+ if junk:
+ Log.debug("Got %i bytes of junk before starting" % len(junk))
+def _rawrecv(radio, amount):
+ """Raw read from the radio device"""
+ data = ""
+ try:
+ data = radio.pipe.read(amount)
+ except:
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+ msg = "Generic error reading data from radio; check your cable."
+ raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+ if len(data) != amount:
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+ msg = "Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want."
+ raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+ return data
+def _rawsend(radio, data):
+ """Raw send to the radio device"""
+ try:
+ radio.pipe.write(data)
+ except:
+ raise errors.RadioError("Error sending data to radio")
+def _make_frame(cmd, addr, length, data=""):
+ """Pack the info in the headder format"""
+ frame = struct.pack(">4sHH", cmd, addr, length)
+ # add the data if set
+ if len(data) != 0:
+ frame += data
+ # return the data
+ return frame
+def _recv(radio, addr, length):
+ """Get data from the radio """
+ data = _rawrecv(radio, length)
+ LOG.info("Response:")
+ LOG.debug(util.hexprint(data))
+ return data
+def _do_ident(radio):
+ """Put the radio in PROGRAM mode & identify it"""
+ # set the serial discipline
+ radio.pipe.baudrate = 19200
+ radio.pipe.parity = "N"
+ radio.pipe.timeout = STIMEOUT
+ # flush input buffer
+ _clean_buffer(radio)
+ magic = "PROM_LIN"
+ _rawsend(radio, magic)
+ ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+ if ack != "\x06":
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+ if ack:
+ LOG.debug(repr(ack))
+ raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not respond")
+ return True
+def _exit_program_mode(radio):
+ endframe = "EXIT"
+ _rawsend(radio, endframe)
+def _download(radio):
+ """Get the memory map"""
+ # put radio in program mode and identify it
+ _do_ident(radio)
+ # UI progress
+ status = chirp_common.Status()
+ status.cur = 0
+ status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
+ status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."
+ radio.status_fn(status)
+ data = ""
+ for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
+ frame = _make_frame("READ", addr, BLOCK_SIZE)
+ LOG.info("Request sent:")
+ LOG.debug(util.hexprint(frame))
+ # sending the read request
+ _rawsend(radio, frame)
+ # now we read
+ d = _recv(radio, addr, BLOCK_SIZE)
+ # aggregate the data
+ data += d
+ # UI Update
+ status.cur = addr / BLOCK_SIZE
+ status.msg = "Cloning from radio..."
+ radio.status_fn(status)
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+ data += "LT-725UV"
+ return data
+def _upload(radio):
+ """Upload procedure"""
+ # put radio in program mode and identify it
+ _do_ident(radio)
+ # UI progress
+ status = chirp_common.Status()
+ status.cur = 0
+ status.max = MEM_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE
+ status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
+ radio.status_fn(status)
+ # the fun starts here
+ for addr in range(0, MEM_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE):
+ # sending the data
+ data = radio.get_mmap()[addr:addr + BLOCK_SIZE]
+ frame = _make_frame("WRIE", addr, BLOCK_SIZE, data)
+ _rawsend(radio, frame)
+ # receiving the response
+ ack = _rawrecv(radio, 1)
+ if ack != "\x06":
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+ msg = "Bad ack writing block 0x%04x" % addr
+ raise errors.RadioError(msg)
+ # UI Update
+ status.cur = addr / BLOCK_SIZE
+ status.msg = "Cloning to radio..."
+ radio.status_fn(status)
+ _exit_program_mode(radio)
+def model_match(cls, data):
+ """Match the opened/downloaded image to the correct version"""
+ rid = data[0x1C00:0x1C08]
+ if rid == cls.MODEL:
+ return True
+ return False
+def _split(rf, f1, f2):
+ """Returns False if the two freqs are in the same band (no split)
+ or True otherwise"""
+ # determine if the two freqs are in the same band
+ for low, high in rf.valid_bands:
+ if f1 >= low and f1 <= high and \
+ f2 >= low and f2 <= high:
+ # if the two freqs are on the same Band this is not a split
+ return False
+ # if you get here is because the freq pairs are split
+ return True
+ at directory.register
+class LT725UV(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio,
+ chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
+ """LUITON LT-725UV Radio"""
+ MODEL = "LT-725UV"
+ MODES = ["NFM", "FM"]
+ TONES = chirp_common.TONES
+ DTCS_CODES = sorted(chirp_common.DTCS_CODES + [645])
+ DTMF_CHARS = list("0123456789ABCD*#")
+ VALID_BANDS = [(136000000, 176000000),
+ (400000000, 480000000)]
+ # valid chars on the LCD
+ "`{|}!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_"
+ @classmethod
+ def get_prompts(cls):
+ rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+ rp.experimental = \
+ ('The UV-50X3 driver is a beta version.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'Please save an unedited copy of your first successful\n'
+ 'download to a CHIRP Radio Images(*.img) file.'
+ )
+ rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+ Follow this instructions to download your info:
+ 1 - Turn off your radio
+ 2 - Connect your interface cable
+ 3 - Turn on your radio
+ 4 - Do the download of your radio data
+ """))
+ rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
+ Follow this instructions to upload your info:
+ 1 - Turn off your radio
+ 2 - Connect your interface cable
+ 3 - Turn on your radio
+ 4 - Do the upload of your radio data
+ """))
+ return rp
+ def get_features(self):
+ rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
+ rf.has_settings = True
+ rf.has_bank = False
+ rf.has_tuning_step = False
+ rf.can_odd_split = True
+ rf.has_name = True
+ rf.has_offset = True
+ rf.has_mode = True
+ rf.has_dtcs = True
+ rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
+ rf.has_dtcs_polarity = True
+ rf.has_ctone = True
+ rf.has_cross = True
+ rf.has_sub_devices = self.VARIANT == ""
+ rf.valid_modes = self.MODES
+ rf.valid_characters = self.VALID_CHARS
+ rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "split", "off"]
+ rf.valid_tmodes = ['', 'Tone', 'TSQL', 'DTCS', 'Cross']
+ rf.valid_cross_modes = [
+ "Tone->Tone",
+ "DTCS->",
+ "->DTCS",
+ "Tone->DTCS",
+ "DTCS->Tone",
+ "->Tone",
+ rf.valid_skips = []
+ rf.valid_name_length = self.NAME_LENGTH
+ rf.valid_dtcs_codes = self.DTCS_CODES
+ rf.valid_bands = self.VALID_BANDS
+ rf.memory_bounds = (1, 128)
+ return rf
+ def get_sub_devices(self):
+ return [LT725UVUpper(self._mmap), LT725UVLower(self._mmap)]
+ def sync_in(self):
+ """Download from radio"""
+ try:
+ data = _download(self)
+ except errors.RadioError:
+ # Pass through any real errors we raise
+ raise
+ except:
+ # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+ # a RadioError and log the problem
+ LOG.exception('Unexpected error during download')
+ raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+ 'with the radio')
+ self._mmap = memmap.MemoryMap(data)
+ self.process_mmap()
+ def sync_out(self):
+ """Upload to radio"""
+ try:
+ _upload(self)
+ except:
+ # If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
+ # a RadioError and log the problem
+ LOG.exception('Unexpected error during upload')
+ raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
+ 'with the radio')
+ def process_mmap(self):
+ """Process the mem map into the mem object"""
+ self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
+ def get_raw_memory(self, number):
+ return repr(self._memobj.memory[number - 1])
+ def _memory_obj(self, suffix=""):
+ return getattr(self._memobj, "%s_memory%s" % (self._vfo, suffix))
+ def _get_dcs(self, val):
+ return int(str(val)[2:-18])
+ def _set_dcs(self, val):
+ return int(str(val), 16)
+ def get_memory(self, number):
+ _mem = self._memory_obj()[number - 1]
+ mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+ mem.number = number
+ if _mem.get_raw()[0] == "\xff":
+ mem.empty = True
+ return mem
+ mem.freq = int(_mem.rxfreq) * 10
+ if _mem.txfreq == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ # TX freq not set
+ mem.duplex = "off"
+ mem.offset = 0
+ elif int(_mem.rxfreq) == int(_mem.txfreq):
+ mem.duplex = ""
+ mem.offset = 0
+ elif _split(self.get_features(), mem.freq, int(_mem.txfreq) * 10):
+ mem.duplex = "split"
+ mem.offset = int(_mem.txfreq) * 10
+ else:
+ mem.duplex = int(_mem.rxfreq) > int(_mem.txfreq) and "-" or "+"
+ mem.offset = abs(int(_mem.rxfreq) - int(_mem.txfreq)) * 10
+ for char in _mem.name[:_mem.namelen]:
+ mem.name += chr(char)
+ dtcs_pol = ["N", "N"]
+ if _mem.rxtone == 0x3FFF:
+ rxmode = ""
+ elif _mem.is_rxdigtone == 0:
+ # ctcss
+ rxmode = "Tone"
+ mem.ctone = int(_mem.rxtone) / 10.0
+ else:
+ # digital
+ rxmode = "DTCS"
+ mem.rx_dtcs = self._get_dcs(_mem.rxtone)
+ if _mem.rxdtcs_pol == 1:
+ dtcs_pol[1] = "R"
+ if _mem.txtone == 0x3FFF:
+ txmode = ""
+ elif _mem.is_txdigtone == 0:
+ # ctcss
+ txmode = "Tone"
+ mem.rtone = int(_mem.txtone) / 10.0
+ else:
+ # digital
+ txmode = "DTCS"
+ mem.dtcs = self._get_dcs(_mem.txtone)
+ if _mem.txdtcs_pol == 1:
+ dtcs_pol[0] = "R"
+ if txmode == "Tone" and not rxmode:
+ mem.tmode = "Tone"
+ elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "Tone" and mem.rtone == mem.ctone:
+ mem.tmode = "TSQL"
+ elif txmode == rxmode and txmode == "DTCS" and mem.dtcs == mem.rx_dtcs:
+ mem.tmode = "DTCS"
+ elif rxmode or txmode:
+ mem.tmode = "Cross"
+ mem.cross_mode = "%s->%s" % (txmode, rxmode)
+ mem.dtcs_polarity = "".join(dtcs_pol)
+ mem.mode = self.MODES[_mem.wide]
+ # Extra
+ mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("extra", "Extra")
+ if _mem.recvmode == 0xFF:
+ val = 0x00
+ else:
+ val = _mem.recvmode
+ recvmode = RadioSetting("recvmode", "Receiving mode",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_RECVMODE,
+ mem.extra.append(recvmode)
+ if _mem.botsignal == 0xFF:
+ val = 0x00
+ else:
+ val = _mem.botsignal
+ botsignal = RadioSetting("botsignal", "Launch signaling",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_SIGNAL,
+ LIST_SIGNAL[val]))
+ mem.extra.append(botsignal)
+ if _mem.eotsignal == 0xFF:
+ val = 0x00
+ else:
+ val = _mem.eotsignal
+ eotsignal = RadioSetting("eotsignal", "Transmit end signaling",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_SIGNAL,
+ LIST_SIGNAL[val]))
+ mem.extra.append(eotsignal)
+ compandor = RadioSetting("compandor", "Compandor",
+ RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mem.compandor)))
+ mem.extra.append(compandor)
+ scrambler = RadioSetting("scrambler", "Scrambler",
+ RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mem.scrambler)))
+ mem.extra.append(scrambler)
+ return mem
+ def set_memory(self, mem):
+ _mem = self._memory_obj()[mem.number - 1]
+ if mem.empty:
+ _mem.set_raw("\xff" * 24)
+ _mem.namelen = 0
+ return
+ _mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 15 + "\x00\x00" + "\xFF" * 7)
+ _mem.rxfreq = mem.freq / 10
+ if mem.duplex == "off":
+ _mem.txfreq = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ elif mem.duplex == "split":
+ _mem.txfreq = mem.offset / 10
+ elif mem.duplex == "+":
+ _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq + mem.offset) / 10
+ elif mem.duplex == "-":
+ _mem.txfreq = (mem.freq - mem.offset) / 10
+ else:
+ _mem.txfreq = mem.freq / 10
+ _mem.namelen = len(mem.name)
+ _namelength = self.get_features().valid_name_length
+ for i in range(_namelength):
+ try:
+ _mem.name[i] = ord(mem.name[i])
+ except IndexError:
+ _mem.name[i] = 0xFF
+ rxmode = ""
+ txmode = ""
+ if mem.tmode == "Tone":
+ txmode = "Tone"
+ elif mem.tmode == "TSQL":
+ rxmode = "Tone"
+ txmode = "TSQL"
+ elif mem.tmode == "DTCS":
+ rxmode = "DTCSSQL"
+ txmode = "DTCS"
+ elif mem.tmode == "Cross":
+ txmode, rxmode = mem.cross_mode.split("->", 1)
+ if rxmode == "":
+ _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1
+ _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+ _mem.rxtone = 0x3FFF
+ elif rxmode == "Tone":
+ _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 0
+ _mem.is_rxdigtone = 0
+ _mem.rxtone = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+ elif rxmode == "DTCSSQL":
+ _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[1] == "R" else 0
+ _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+ _mem.rxtone = self._set_dcs(mem.dtcs)
+ elif rxmode == "DTCS":
+ _mem.rxdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[1] == "R" else 0
+ _mem.is_rxdigtone = 1
+ _mem.rxtone = self._set_dcs(mem.rx_dtcs)
+ if txmode == "":
+ _mem.txdtcs_pol = 1
+ _mem.is_txdigtone = 1
+ _mem.txtone = 0x3FFF
+ elif txmode == "Tone":
+ _mem.txdtcs_pol = 0
+ _mem.is_txdigtone = 0
+ _mem.txtone = int(mem.rtone * 10)
+ elif txmode == "TSQL":
+ _mem.txdtcs_pol = 0
+ _mem.is_txdigtone = 0
+ _mem.txtone = int(mem.ctone * 10)
+ elif txmode == "DTCS":
+ _mem.txdtcs_pol = 1 if mem.dtcs_polarity[0] == "R" else 0
+ _mem.is_txdigtone = 1
+ _mem.txtone = self._set_dcs(mem.dtcs)
+ _mem.wide = self.MODES.index(mem.mode)
+ # extra settings
+ for setting in mem.extra:
+ setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value)
+ def get_settings(self):
+ """Translate the bit in the mem_struct into settings in the UI"""
+ _mem = self._memobj
+ basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings")
+ top = RadioSettings(basic)
+ # Basic
+ volume = RadioSetting("settings.volume", "Volume",
+ RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 20,
+ _mem.settings.volume))
+ basic.append(volume)
+ powera = RadioSetting("upper.vfoa.power", "Power (Upper)",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_POWER, LIST_POWER[
+ _mem.upper.vfoa.power]))
+ basic.append(powera)
+ powerb = RadioSetting("lower.vfob.power", "Power (Lower)",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_POWER, LIST_POWER[
+ _mem.lower.vfob.power]))
+ basic.append(powerb)
+ wtled = RadioSetting("settings.wtled", "Standby LED Color",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_COLOR, LIST_COLOR[
+ _mem.settings.wtled]))
+ basic.append(wtled)
+ rxled = RadioSetting("settings.rxled", "RX LED Color",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_COLOR, LIST_COLOR[
+ _mem.settings.rxled]))
+ basic.append(rxled)
+ txled = RadioSetting("settings.txled", "TX LED Color",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_COLOR, LIST_COLOR[
+ _mem.settings.txled]))
+ basic.append(txled)
+ ledsw = RadioSetting("settings.ledsw", "Back light mode",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_LEDSW, LIST_LEDSW[
+ _mem.settings.ledsw]))
+ basic.append(ledsw)
+ beep = RadioSetting("settings.beep", "Beep",
+ RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mem.settings.beep)))
+ basic.append(beep)
+ ring = RadioSetting("settings.ring", "Ring",
+ RadioSettingValueList(LIST_RING, LIST_RING[
+ _mem.settings.ring]))
+ basic.append(ring)
+ bcl = RadioSetting("settings.bcl", "Busy channel lockout",
+ RadioSettingValueBoolean(bool(_mem.settings.bcl)))
+ basic.append(bcl)
+ tot = RadioSetting("settings.tot", "Timeout Timer",
+ _mem.settings.tot]))
+ basic.append(tot)
+ if _mem.upper.vfoa.sql == 0xFF:
+ val = 0x04
+ else:
+ val = _mem.upper.vfoa.sql
+ sqla = RadioSetting("upper.vfoa.sql", "Squelch (Upper)",
+ RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, val))
+ basic.append(sqla)
+ if _mem.lower.vfob.sql == 0xFF:
+ val = 0x04
+ else:
+ val = _mem.lower.vfob.sql
+ sqlb = RadioSetting("lower.vfob.sql", "Squelch (Lower)",
+ RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, val))
+ basic.append(sqlb)
+ return top
+ def set_settings(self, settings):
+ _settings = self._memobj.settings
+ _mem = self._memobj
+ for element in settings:
+ if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting):
+ self.set_settings(element)
+ continue
+ else:
+ try:
+ name = element.get_name()
+ if "." in name:
+ bits = name.split(".")
+ obj = self._memobj
+ for bit in bits[:-1]:
+ if "/" in bit:
+ bit, index = bit.split("/", 1)
+ index = int(index)
+ obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index]
+ else:
+ obj = getattr(obj, bit)
+ setting = bits[-1]
+ else:
+ obj = _settings
+ setting = element.get_name()
+ if element.has_apply_callback():
+ LOG.debug("Using apply callback")
+ element.run_apply_callback()
+ elif element.value.get_mutable():
+ LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting, element.value))
+ setattr(obj, setting, element.value)
+ except Exception, e:
+ LOG.debug(element.get_name())
+ raise
+ @classmethod
+ def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
+ match_size = False
+ match_model = False
+ # testing the file data size
+ if len(filedata) == MEM_SIZE + 8:
+ match_size = True
+ # testing the firmware model fingerprint
+ match_model = model_match(cls, filedata)
+ if match_size and match_model:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class LT725UVUpper(LT725UV):
+ VARIANT = "Upper"
+ _vfo = "upper"
+class LT725UVLower(LT725UV):
+ VARIANT = "Lower"
+ _vfo = "lower"
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