[chirp_devel] Windows Server availability

Nathan Crapo
Mon Oct 17 21:00:50 PDT 2016

Potentially useful tangent idea:  I like using VMs for Windows related
stuff like this.  You could even boot and bring down the VM from the Host
machine using a script.

If you're using VirtualBox, which works great, you can use VBoxManage to
startup a Windows machine; headless or regular.


On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Philip Arola via chirp_devel <
chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

> Windows XP presents a problem.  I don’t think Chocolatey or even Ketarin
> supports it.  However, according to https://stackoverflow.com/
> questions/39386471/can-i-build-chocolatey-packages-on-linux it is
> possible to compile using Mono on Linux.  I don’t know how much you are
> willing to alter your Linux installations, but all the script would really
> need to do is edit values contained in two text files, commit those changes
> in Git, run the chocolatey package command, and push the package.
> -Philip Arola
> -philiparola at hotmail.com
> *From: *Dan Smith via chirp_devel <chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com>
> *Sent: *Saturday, October 8, 2016 4:22 PM
> *To: *chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com
> *Subject: *Re: [chirp_devel] Windows Server availability
> > Excellent.  I will try to get a working script and test it across a few
> > versions.  I think in your case, simply using the PowerShell script is
> > the better choice, considering Ketarin is meant to be run continuously
> > as a monitor.
> Note that the builds are made on WinXP for maximum backwards
> compatibility. I've never used powershell, but be aware that the build
> environment is old for a reason.
> Also, the whole build process is scripted over ssh with cygwin bash in
> the windows image. So whatever I run has to be callable from that
> environment.
> --Dan
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