[chirp_devel] Provide Radio specific instructions?

Tom Hayward
Mon Mar 11 16:33:57 PDT 2013

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Robert Terzi <rct at r-t.org> wrote:
> Would it be reasonable to allow the radio drivers to provide some radio
> specific text that would be presented to the user when selecting
> download / upload?
> Granted it's mostly (yaesu) clone mode radios that require the user to
> know all the steps, but if you don't do it often it's easy to forget.

Yes, it's just a Yaesu problem.

I've proposed this... just a popup dialog with the instructions to
appears between selecting "Download" or "Upload" and the start of the
actual download process. No one has written it yet. There might even
be an open issue about it, but I don't recall.


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