[chirp_devel] Icom ID-51

Dean Gibson AE7Q
Sun Feb 17 19:40:21 PST 2013

On 2013-02-17 19:11, Dan Smith wrote:
> ... There are other "Gotchas" as well, like not knowing about AM mode, 
> and it appears that the "Skip" bit has moved ...
> Okay, cool. Sounds like it may be best to make them share either from a
> common base class (if you prefer) or just make the id51 inherit from
> the '31 and break out / override bits you need. Let me know if you
> need help with any of that syntax.

After looking at the code for the ID-31, I think that the decoding for 
the modulation type may be wrong for that radio as well:  I just looked 
at the C++ code I have for the six Icom D-Star radios I included in 
DStarCom, and NONE of them used separate bits for "DV" and "FM-N" 
modes;  instead, the fields were all *two-bit* (literal meaning!) fields 
that indexed into an array of at least three different modulation 
modes.  The id31.py code does not reflect that, and I'd be very 
surprised if the ID-31 was any different in that regard (since it 
supports more than two modulation modes).

So, rather than modify ID-31 code that I cannot test, I think it's wiser 
(and more bullet-proof) for me to just have a separate id51.py file, and 
get that working.  It's not like id31.py and id51.py are large files, 
and if after I'm done, someone with an ID-31 radio wants to investigate 
the differences between the two files in terms of bit processing (and 
possibly provide a body of common code), they are welcome to do so with 
my help (assuming it's not the middle of summer when I'm flying 4-7 
hours a day).

Also, upon further examination, it appears that some of the "#seekto" 
values may be different, which to me calls for either a separate file, 
or some renaming of existing structs (etc) in a combined file.

-- Dean

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