Thanks again Dan for answering the threads.<br>A lot of bonuses to be mentioned below. Congrats.<br><br>The ability to be a RF only Winlink CLIENT on all platforms; Windows, Mac (Intel only, sorry) and Linux does make it unique :-)<br>
<br>1:Bonus!<br>You can operate D-Rats (on different OS platforms) from the field directly in D-Star DV mode to a dedicated D-Rats station with internet gateway if such a gateway is established. This confirmed possible by Dan. But not common yet.<br>
<br>(Without the Client RF-only station in the field needing Parallell for Mac or Wine for Linux to be able running WIndows)<br><br>2:Bonus!<br>In addition D-Rats is the ONLY NON WINDOWS CLIENT in the field RF only SW wich can operate towards Winlink RMS PACKET.<br>
These servers RMS PACKET do exist in Windows and Linux versions, so that's ok, but no Mac or Linux CLIENT program.<br><br>Even with the mentioned speed limitations I thus see a Big bonus for the D-Rats program.<br><br>
3: A special case Question: <br>Peer to Peer ( D-rats <=> Airmail v. 3.4.034 latest Ham version).<br>This version has a mode callled D-Star.<br>I believe (not having it confirmed) that 2 Airmail stations can run peer to peer D-Star, probably with B2F compression?<br>
But I am not aware of any RMS D-Star as gateway to a Winlink CMS, exept your developed teqnique running D-Rats.<br><br>Is D-Rats (RF in the field only, or as a RF/Internet gateway) able to handle a connect from an Airmail station running either D-Star or AX-25. ? If yes, is the compression then in both cases B2F ?<br>
<br>4: HF issue.<br>Since D-Rats is the ONLY NON WINDOWS Winlink Client program it is a pity that it cannot handle any Winlink HF RMS.<br>But very understandable. And it is easy to be an unqualified "wisher".<br>
Rome was not built in one day.<br><br>I wonder if the least difficult programming task might be an add on making it running a Pactor tnc of any kind. SCS-PTC2, KAM+, PK232<br><br>This since you must already have made B2F compression routines (like it or not) to be able to run AX-25 towards a RMS Packet.<br>
<br>This as a wish list while we are waiting for the ongoing process of porting WINMOR to a fashion hopefully with the same options as built into the virtual WINMOR TNC. I believe the Winlink linux guys intend to make a LINUX RMS WINMOR, but off course taking a long time.<br>
<br>73 de la7um Finn<br>