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<pre>><i> I think I do have "email access" configured correctly. From my config file:
</i>><i> [email_access]
</i>><i> email_access_0 = KG5WU,Both,
Yep, looks right to me, assuming your callsign is configured as exactly
>>>>>> Ahh ... I should have also included the [user] setting for callsign. :)
><i> I've seen the statement before about leaving the email filter blank.
</i>><i> Can you describe a scenario where an email filter would be needed?
The email filter box lets you give access to another station, but only
to email a specific address. So, if you put <a
href="http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/drats_users">KK7DS,Both,foo at bar.com</a>, I
could use your system to exchange email with <a
href="http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/drats_users">foo at bar.com</a>, but not any
other destination.
>>>>>> Thanks very much! I understand the intent. Nice!
73 de Wayne/KG5WU
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