[quick] msg_0 = W4JOL monitoring D-RATS. [state] show_all_filter = False main_advanced = 349 filters = [] main_size_y = 692 main_size_x = 847 main_maximized = False [prefs] signoff = Going offline (D-RATS) eolstrip = True font = Sans 12 logresume = True dosignon = True dosignoff = True ignorecolor = #bb88bb88bb88 autoreceive = False signon = Online (D-RATS) outgoingcolor = #dddd44441111 restore_stations = True download_dir = C:\Documents and Settings\jobarret.CISCO\Desktop callsigncolor = #ffdd99cc77cc debuglog = False noticere = ignorere = scrollback = 1024.0 brokencolor = #ffffffff3333 incomingcolor = #00004444ffff blinkmsg = False noticecolor = #0000660011dd callsigns = [(True, 'US'), (True, 'Canada'), (True, 'Australia')] logenabled = True [user] name = Joel Barrett altitude = 0.0 longitude = 0.0 units = Imperial callsign = W4JOL latitude = 0.0 [settings] aprssymtab = / encoding = yenc inports = [] gpsenabled = False rate = 9600 mapdir = C:\Documents and Settings\jobarret.CISCO\Application Data\D-RATS\maps force_delay = 2.0 port = COM4 warmup_timeout = 3.0 gpsport = compression = True ddt_block_size = 1024.0 warmup_length = 8.0 outports = [] pipelinexfers = True sockflush = 0.5 ddt_block_outlimit = 4.0 xfer = DDT aprssymbol = > compatmode = True ping_info =