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<font face="Courier 10 Pitch">Ever since I setup D-rats on CentOS 5
some months ago, I found that pyserial was not available from<br>
Yumex (Every repository available to suit fitted).<br>
I ran the tar from;<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=46487&package_id=39324">http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=46487&package_id=39324</a><br>
All other requirements were obtained via yumex with no problem.<br>
I run KDE deskop as it works best with DVTool, and has a good editable
menu system.<br>
By extracting the new source versions as they came out I only needed to
edit a shell script<br>
activated from the KDE menu to run the program and any updates later.<br>
>From created KDE D-Star menu;<br>
Command: /root/download/D-Star/d-rats-linux2/d-rats2.sh <br>
cd /root/download/D-Star/d-rats-linux2/d-rats-0.2.7b2<br>
#./d-rats --safe <br>
</font><font face="Courier 10 Pitch">From created KDE D-Star menu;</font><br>
<font face="Courier 10 Pitch">D-Repeate</font><font
face="Courier 10 Pitch">r<br>
I use </font><font face="Courier 10 Pitch">t</font><font
face="Courier 10 Pitch">he 0.1.20 repeater as the function is the same
and no requirement to change,<br>
and it appears </font><font face="Courier 10 Pitch">t</font><font
face="Courier 10 Pitch">o have faults running in v0.2.X versions, esp
in Windows XP <br>
On my XP laptop I do the same thing, running ver 0.1.20 repeater and
latest ver 0.2.7b2 d-rats comms together. On windows XP I used the
0.2.7b2 winzip download extracted, as I found the installer ver failing
to install properly.<br>
Command: /root/download/D-Star/d-rats-linux/repeater.sh<br>
cd /root/download/D-Star/d-rats-linux<br>
Using 0.2.7b2<br>
[root@localhost ~]# cd
[root@localhost d_rats]# ./repeater.py<br>
Traceback (most recent call last):<br>
File "./repeater.py", line 32, in ?<br>
from d_rats.comm import SWFSerial<br>
ImportError: No module named d_rats.comm<br>
[root@localhost d_rats]#<br>
0.1.20 ver repeater works ok for me with everything else, and I know of
no update to it I´m missing.<br>