[drats_users] Answers

John Davis
Wed Mar 13 17:24:03 PDT 2013

I think the “Connected to Internet” is still used.  For example, if two stations are connected by radio and only one station is also connected to the Internet with “Connected to Internet” checked, a message bound for the Internet can be sent from the non-Internet station through the Internet connected station using the “Send Via” option.

The D-RATS users in Central Florida have demonstrated this feature to show that if you can get to an Internet connected station by radio, it can serve as your Internet connectivity for message handling.  They made a 50 mile simplex hop by radio with the station on the far end connected to the Internet then delivering it to the State EOC.  That impressed the local EMA.

This is useful for showing  that D-STAR and D-RATS is not dependant on the Internet.  What we have seen is that Internet outages are typically local in nature. For example, during Katrina, while Internet was down in downtown New Orleans, it was available across the lake.  That’s a simplex hop away.


From: drats_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:drats_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Patrick Connor
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:38 PM
To: drats_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
Subject: [drats_users] Answers

The "Connected to Internet" check box is an artifact from an earlier version and no longer has any function.

[CTRL+B] will send a complete text file over a RF link. Two limiting factors are the transmit timer in the radio and the "QST size limit" (See Preferences>Chat>QST size limit).

D-RATS can send e-mail to any internet e-mail address. To route it through Winlink, use the WL2K prefix (e.g. WL2K:rumplestiltskin at gmail.com<mailto:rumplestiltskin at gmail.com>).

Messages, Chat and files can be transfered over a D-STAR radio link.

There is not an iPad version of D-RATS, however some have used their iPad to remote access their Desktop machines running D-RATS.

D-STAR voice       = 3600bps
sync bits                = 300bps
low speed data    = 900bps
total                      = 4800bps
The transmit message on the D-STAR radios uses the low speed data portion of the data stream, so turn it off to increase D-RATS throughput. Both voice and data run concurrently.

The windows version of D-RATS is known to consume a great number of CPU cycles. This issue is currently under study.

Frequencies: 145.67 is used as a National D-STAR simplex frequency in many parts of the U.S. This band segment is also heavily populated by packet operations and Winlink nodes. My group has chosen 144.91 and 144.93 as they are in the segment designated as weak signal and experimental. Use your local band plan as a guide.

73 de N3TSZ
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