[drats_users] Thread 4 on Windows using 30 to 50% CPU, GPS Parsing?

John E. Malmberg
Tue Feb 19 22:06:54 PST 2013

On 2/19/2013 11:54 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
>>              self.get_input()
>>               (returns with nothing read, so self.input is "")
> This means your socket got closed. That's why it takes a while to
> manifest and why it only affects some people in a few situations.

>> I have not timed it with precision, but it is very repeatable.
> Perhaps a naive firewall package attempting to "help".

The firewall for the local LAN has been turned off.

If this is a network connection to an outside server with no active 
traffic, the local ISP will terminate the connection after a period of 
time.  15 minutes sounds like their timeout.

I see this happening on telnet sessions.

The only way to stop them from terminating the connection is for either 
the client or server application have a keep alive heart beat that sends 
a packet or two every few minutes.

> I'll have to go look and see how feasible it would be to attempt to
> re-open the socket that deep.

wb8tyw at qsl.net
Personal Opinion Only

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