[drats_users] What do I Tell my Friends??
Mary Joseph
Sun Feb 10 11:09:49 PST 2013
Funny, now I can't get the thing to work.
Unfortunately the computer I had running the repeater decided to go home
with a couple of uninvited guests, so I can't check what I did on it.
Now I am getting the 10061 error code. I am sure it is my firewall
settings... but I have other projects that I need to work on, so off to
work on them,
will come back to this in a couple of days.
THe fact that DRATS worked across the MESH was a key part in my playing
with it. What a great thing if the repeater will allow a DSTAR message to
be sent out over PACKET, or the MESH, or the Internet... One application
makes training much easier.
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Kevin Whipp <w3kdw at arrl.net> wrote:
> Here is a link to my documentation on how to setup D-RATS to run over
> https://www.box.com/shared/shp1z26z58t1mni94mto
> -----
> *Kevin Whipp*
> Phone: 240.242.9850
> Amateur Radio: W3KDW
> Email: w3kdw at arrl.net | Winlink: w3kdw at winlink.org
> Schedule Meeting: http://schedule.whipp.us
> Don,
> When you get that document created, please share with the group..
> Thanks
> David
> Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
> Ben Franklin
> When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny.
> Thomas Jefferson
> On 02/07/2013 03:26 PM, Mary Joseph wrote:
> >* All I did was define the HSMM-MESH network as another network. Two*>* different laptops with different callsigns sent msgs across the mesh.*>* Neither computer was on the internet. Now will add packet and DSTAR. I*>* will recreate in a few days and document.*>**>* Don Poaps <va7dgp at gmail.com <http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/drats_users>> wrote:*>**>* How did you get it to work? Is there doc's that a none computer*>* guy can set up?*>**>* Don*>**>* On Thursday, February 7, 2013, Mary Joseph wrote:*>**>* I am using drats over an HSMM-MESH network. Works fine,*>* working in using it with Packet and with Dstar. I like the*>* idea if one application to handle data, no matter the method.*>* -- When you need ham radio, you REALLY need ham radio.*>**>**>**>* -- When you need ham radio, you REALLY need ham radio.*>**>**>* _______________________________________________*>* drats_users mailing list*>* drats_users at intrepid.danplanet.com <http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/drats_users>*>* http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/drats_users*
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