[drats_users] [D-RATS] #314: Ic 2820 no way to transmit

D-RATS Tracker
Sat Jan 29 08:59:53 PST 2011

#314: Ic 2820 no way to transmit
  Reporter:  igiobxn@…       |       Owner:  kk7ds  
      Type:  Bug             |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  Stability       |   Milestone:  0.3.3b1
 Component:  General         |     Version:  0.3.2  
Resolution:                  |    Keywords:  TX     
  Platform:  Windows         |  

Comment (by anonymous):

 Replying to [comment:1 kk7ds]:
 > Hi Giorgio,
 > Please try the latest beta and see if that resolves your issue:
 > http://d-rats.com/download/beta
 > Also, please note the FAQ entries for why your radio doesn't transmit if
 the problem persists after upgrading.

 Wow ! Using the latest beta release it works perfectly ! Many thanks for
 support, best regards and 73 de Giorgio IK1BXN

Ticket URL: <http://trac.d-rats.com/trac/ticket/314#comment:2>
D-RATS <http://trac.d-rats.com>
D-RATS Development

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