[drats_users] Cannot connect to G-mail before timeout period expires

Edwin Crowell
Sun Aug 7 11:29:19 PDT 2011

Hi Dan,  I  have 587 for my Port.  I looked at the Log Files and it says "no
Route"  when it starts strobing.  When I go to the Webmail version of G-Mail
with Chrome and allow it to go to the New Version,  it gives me a Warning
(This is too long, do you still want to keep trying?  I say, "Yes" and hit
<enter>.  I wait a few more seconds and then it finally connects.  G-mail
Notifier (the Mail envelope icon)  carries an exclamation superimposed over
it.  When I click on it, it says, "Cannot connect to your E-mail. Service
temporarily unavailable."  I double click on the Icon and it connects, drops
the Exclamation Point, and shows me the Window of G-Mail with the New
E-Mail???????  So even the Notifier is upset with the Latency problem or
won't wait beyond the 15 seconds to hear the reply from G-mail just like
D-Rats.  It quits pinging at 15-16 seconds and pronounces a failure to
connect (which if it would try a few more pings, would prove to be
successful.  Can we delay D-Rats SMTP connect request a few more seconds?
                                                    73, Ed
--- Original Message ---

> Hi All,

You didn't send this to the list, by the way.

> I have setup D-Rats to got to Port 587 with TLS security.

> I can get it to Strobe the port for about 16 seconds then I get

> "Timed out--unable to connect, error((10060)).

> I see many reports of difficulty with latency when logging onto

> G-mail.  some suggest using address: https://mail.gmail.com/ mail/

> ?ui=1 because version 2.0 is the default and takes a very long time

> to respond to connect requests.  I take it that my connect script is

> set to strobe the Port for 15-16 seconds before giving up and

> printing the answer: unable to connect after X number of tries.  I

> have tried ports 587 and 465 with and without TLS checked.

You can't put an https address into the server name (or port) box, and

the "version" number you're talking about has nothing to do with SMTP

mail delivery.  The correct address to use is:

                       drats_users at intrepid.danplanet.com.


Dan Smith


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