[drats_users] extra characters

Dan Smith
Sun Nov 28 17:36:00 PST 2010

> Made sure the power down function was not set.

Just to be clear, it's not the APO but the "power save" feature that
should be disabled.

> Also changed the call sign to my wife's

In D-RATS, not the radio, correct?

> and put a second clamp on ferrite on the serial cable, but still the
> same problem.

A second choke isn't a sure bet, of course, so RFI is still a
possibility.  Multipath if the units are close and in the same building.

As a review, you think that it's only transmissions from the desktop to
the laptop, regardless of which radio you're using for transmitting or
receiving, is that right?  The log file clearly showed a checksum
mismatch on the receiver (which is why you see yellow), which really has
to be something with the radio, cables, or transmission.

Dan Smith

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