[drats_users] [D-RATS] #253: Bogus Error Msg On File Upload/Download/File Xfer E-mail

D-RATS Tracker
Sat May 22 12:13:32 PDT 2010

#253: Bogus Error Msg On File Upload/Download/File Xfer E-mail
 Reporter:  kirktal7237@…           |       Owner:  kk7ds  
     Type:  Bug                     |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  Functionality           |   Milestone:  0.3.3b1
Component:  File/Message Transfers  |     Version:  0.3.2  
 Keywords:                          |    Platform:  Windows
 OS Windows XP Home Service Pack 3
 D-RATS 3.3b1

 When initiating a file upload/download or file transfer E-mail
 I receive an error message "File Transfer Interrupted 104%"
 or I receive an error message "File Transfer Failed 104%" upon
 completion.  Recipient receives a successful "File Received" notification.

 The file upload/download or file transfer E-mail is successful
 however and the recipient does receive the file or E-mail intact.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.d-rats.com/trac/ticket/253>
D-RATS <http://trac.d-rats.com>
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