[drats_users] Dayton 2010

Dan Smith
Wed May 12 07:02:10 PDT 2010

> If you have the ability, please get on the ratflector sometime
> between now and Dayton and ping KK7DS-Z to get yourself in the
> record.  If you know other D-RATS users that aren't on this list,
> please pass the word. Feel free to link RF in your area to the
> ratflector so get RF-only users into the log.  Lets see how high of a
> number we can get!

Just to follow up with this, the current count of unique stations is
478!  I'm completely blown away, as I had no idea the number would be so
high.  I thought we'd be lucky if we hit 150.

Time is running out to get yourself recorded in the log and count, if
you haven't already.  I'll try to remember to post the "QSO log" after I
get back from Dayton.

I will get email to this account on my phone, so if you're at Dayton,
that's the best way to catch up with me so we can meet in person.


Dan Smith

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