[drats_users] [D-RATS] #246: Winmor interface

D-RATS Tracker
Sun May 2 04:57:24 PDT 2010

#246: Winmor interface
 Reporter:  oh6mwq@…           |       Owner:  kk7ds      
     Type:  Feature            |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  Functionality      |   Milestone:             
Component:  General            |     Version:  0.3.2      
 Keywords:                     |    Platform:  Unspecified
 Winmor has quickly became a quite popular HF-mode. It is a sound card
 based mode, and the modem software can be used via TCP/IP port, a bit like
 AGWPE. However, the commands are not compatible with typical AX.25 TNC.
 This interface might be quite simple to add.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.d-rats.com/trac/ticket/246>
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