[drats_users] [D-RATS] #216: Email process

D-RATS Tracker
Tue Mar 23 22:30:03 PDT 2010

#216: Email process
 Reporter:  Gordon Dick <gdick@…>          |       Owner:  kk7ds      
     Type:  Bug                            |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  Stability                      |   Milestone:  0.3.0b12   
Component:  General                        |     Version:  0.3.1      
 Keywords:                                 |    Platform:  Unspecified
 Hi Dan:

 Starting around verson b11 and also in b12 a few of us are noticing that
 when you create an email and hit send it may or may not ever leave the
 outbox.  After waiting for a long period if you then select and hit
 forward and address it to the same station it will then start to transfer.

 Secondly, noticing that use of apostrophies is not being accepted.  Don't
 seem to remember that in versions 10 or earlier.

 One of the guys I'm working with was wondering if it's possible to put the
 # of incoming messages beside the inbox.  Like outlook or mac mail do.

 Gord - ve7fky

Ticket URL: <http://trac.d-rats.com/ticket/216>
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