[drats_users] D-RATS 0.3.2b12

Dan Smith
Tue Mar 23 08:14:57 PDT 2010

> If I'm in the same session and add a second marker, it adds it to the
> group AND it writes both to the file.  See the Misc.csv attachment. 
> Looks like it's that first (and only) one that doesn't write to the file.

Ah, okay, yep, I forgot a "save" operation in the case where I create a
group.  I've got that added now so it will be fixed in the next beta.
Thanks for that attention to detail :)

> Additionally, I'm curious if I should be concerned about the three
> GtkWarning messages.

Nope, don't be concerned.  They're just some warnings from the graphics
libraries, but they're non-fatal and not a problem.

> Thanks Dan.  Sure appreciate all you do for D-Rats.

Likewise!  Detailed bug reports where the reporter can narrow down the
issue like you did are very helpful.


Dan Smith

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