[drats_users] [D-RATS] #198: gmail emails in wrong box

D-RATS Tracker
Mon Mar 8 15:33:35 PST 2010

#198: gmail emails in wrong box
 Reporter:  anonymous  |       Owner:  kk7ds   
     Type:  Bug        |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  Stability  |   Milestone:  0.3.0b10
Component:  General    |     Version:  0.3.1   
 Keywords:             |    Platform:  Windows 
 Hi Dan:  Three of us are using gmail as our email servers.  It seems that
 whenever we have incoming email from another gmail account instead of it
 going to the inbox it's going to the outbox.  I've included my debug log.

 A second question again with gmail.  I'm helping a friend setup drats.
 The problem he's having is in the outgoing emails.  The debug log says no
 routing available for x email.  I've gone over his outgoing settings
 several times and their all correct.  Incoming email is working like a

Ticket URL: <http://trac.d-rats.com/ticket/198>
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