[drats_users] Hamvention D-STAR Activities

Mark Thompson
Fri Apr 30 17:11:20 PDT 2010

D-STAR at  Dayton Hamvention
During the Hamvention several D-STAR events & resources will be available.

D-STAR Digital Voice repeaters in  Dayton  are sponsored by DARA (Dayton Amateur Radio Association), the host of the Hamvention. 

Dayton D-STAR Repeaters

147.105 (+600 KHz) W8BI C
Accessible outdoors at Hamvention® HARA Arena with a handheld at 0.5 watts may be marginal so higher power is recommended.

444.0875 (+ 5MHz) W8BI B
70 cm repeater may be operational by time of the Hamvention®.

Dayton D-STAR Repeater Reflector Linking 
 Hamvention received approval from the D-STAR Reflector REF030B to link a W8BI D-STAR over the Hamvention® weekend. 
The repeater was linked last year as well using a different reflector. A reflector allows all repeaters & DV Dongles linked to it communicate as a group. 
D-STAR activity in  Dayton  over Hamvention® weekend can be followed by using a repeater or DV Dongle linked to the 30-B reflector 
instead of linking directly to the W8BI gateway.

Hamvention D-STAR Repeaters
At the Hamvention Icom has D-STAR digital voice 2m, 70cm & 23cm digital voice repeaters & radios on demonstration and 
the repeaters may be connected to the D-STAR network. The callsigns & frequencies of the demonstration repeaters will be available at the Hamvention.

Thursday Night D-STAR Meet, Greet and Eyeball QSO
On Thursday night prior to the Hamvention there is a D-STAR Meet, Greet and Eyeball QSO over dinner. 
It will occur on Thursday May 13th from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m at  Marion 's Piaza on  1320 N Fairfield Road  in  Beavercreek ,  OH . 
More information about the event at: http://hamvention.org/events.php#dstar

D-STAR Friday Night Get Together
For the last four years there has been a Friday Night D-STAR Get Together at a hotel in  Dayton  hosted by the Texas & Alabama D-STAR groups. 
The event has been an opportunity to hear talks by experienced D-STAR repeater operators & innovators and meet with other D-STAR users.
  This year the Friday Night D-STAR Get Together will be on Friday, May 14th from 8 – 10 pm at the Drury Inn North, the same location as last year.  
The Georgia D-STAR group will host this year's event. The format this year will be a bit different from previous years 
with a few short presentations to start the evening followed by an open session with D-STAR experts on many topics stationed 
around the room to meet and answer your questions.

D-STAR Forum, Room #1, Friday, 12:45 – 14:15 pmHosted by Greg Sarratt, W4OZK
DVAP/DV Dongle/D-PLUS/Multiple Software Packages, Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC
Home-brew D-STAR repeater, David Lake, G4ULF
D-RATS, D-STAR Digital Data Software, Dan Smith, KK7DS

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