[drats_users] D-RATS.COM Yum and Apt Repository Updated with D-RATS 0.3.2

Mike Heitmann
Sat Apr 3 14:41:03 PDT 2010

On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 14:10 -0400, Bill Cherepy wrote:
> I have the Karmic repository in Synaptic and have installed the previous
> versions from it, but I don't see 0.3.2 available for install.

Sorry, I should have posted this earlier:

To see the updates in either repository (apt - for Unbutu, or yum - for
Fedora) I had to go into the "software sources" and unselect the beta
repository to see the release repository. 

I think the package managers consider the release and beta versions to
be the same, conflicting software packages and want to manage one or the
other, but not both. Not sure why, because the release is technically
newer than the beta at this point, but that's what it took for me to see
the updates once they had been uploaded.

You might also be able to "uninstall" the beta, the "install" the
release after the beta has been uninstalled.

And, of course, the reverse will be true when 0.3.3b1 comes out!

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