[drats_users] Repeater traffic view

Fri Sep 25 00:16:32 PDT 2009

2009/9/25 Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>:
> Do you mean nothing shows up in the "monitor" window?


> The monitor window always just showed a raw dump of the serial line.
> Now that the repeater processes packets itself, it doesn't dump the
> stream into that window.

The repeater will be the "node" of the D-RATS worldwide network in the
next future. I think it will be useful to create a monitor who give
traffic info, something like:
to give "repeater sysop" a chance to understand the traffic situation
and operate to prevent net abuses.

> I had planned to remove that entirely, perhaps replacing it with a list
> of recently heard stations or something...

This is a very important thing to create a real "node". I think
hearded stations list will be useful to improve D-RATS routing

I want to suggest to introduce the chat room concept, a sort of
"separate-but-not-private room" in wich people can enter in and make
qso-cafè using routing capabilities without affecting the "main room"
of a ratflector... if you are in the room you can read&write,
otherwise you dont'se anything. To do that we had to create an auto
updating chat-room-list like the station hearded one. The repeater
with chat node capabilities can manage traffic addressing it only to
the useful destination, without affecting unuseful ports with
undesiderable traffic.

What do you think about?
Do you think it's a good idea?

PS: I've readed on QST you're the tech award winner!!! Congratulations, Dan!!

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