[drats_users] Cannot use the latest beta version on Mac

Dan Smith
Wed Sep 9 14:30:11 PDT 2009

Hi Ian,

> I've downloaded the latest version of the D-RATS software to use on my  
> Apple iMac - I picked the d-rats-0.3.1b1.tar version. When I unzip  
> this to a folder I cannot run it. The previous version 0.3.0 seem to  
> be available as an Apple application file and works with no problem.  
> Is there a 0.3.1b1 version like this, or can I use the .tar version  
> somehow? Any help most welcome.

The tar is just the source, and requires a full Python/GTK runtime to work.

I've just put an intel .app of the current beta source in the regular
beta directory, so you can try that.  However, my current mac
environment is generating builds that have a broken image library for
some reason and thus it can't do anything that requires loading an
image.  I've burned a lot of time on this to no avail, so I'm not sure
how long it will be before I can generate proper packages again.

If Debbie ever got her system working again, perhaps she can generate an
updated beta with a working image library...

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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