[drats_users] Automatically Forward Message question

Dan Smith
Tue Oct 6 16:40:27 PDT 2009

Hi Brian,

> I am running two stations side/side with one RF connection each- KN0N
> and KN0N-P both on v 0.3.0

Eesh, that's so old I barely remember what was in that version! :)

> I created a message in each, addressed to the other (in their outboxes).

Define "addressed".  In order for the forwarding to work, the
"destination" field in the "routing information" must *exactly* match
the station you want it to go to.

Have you re-started D-RATS since you turned on auto forwarding?  It's
rather silly (and I need to fix it) but it won't actually start the
forwarding thread except at startup if the preference is set.

What's your forwarding interval set to?

> The messages do not transmit unless I manually send them.  It is my
> understanding that when Auto Forward is checked, the sender will
> automatically try to transfer the message when it sees that the
> receiver is on line, correct?  I also created message for local hams
> that have not sent (when they were on)... I think I must be
> misinterpreting what "Auto Forward" does.

Nope, you've got it right :)

If you don't mind, can you install the latest beta and see how that
works for you?  I need to post an official 0.3.1 pretty soon here...


Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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