[drats_users] D-RATS 0.3.2b6

Dan Smith
Thu Nov 12 15:59:47 PST 2009

Hi all, I just posted b6 with the following changes:

- During first-time startup, prompt the user with the preferences dialog
  box and make them set a callsign.
- On first-time startup, install a default path to the ratflector to get
  people going with less work
- On first-time startup, set the default download/shared directory to
  the user's Desktop with a "D-RATS Shared" folder
- Add settings in the preferences to disable WL2K and POP3 gateway
- Add WL2K SSID setting (note you must be checking with a >b6 client and
  server for this to be honored)
- Fix a bunch of places where a check box is used to disable a
  particular entry for less confusion
- Add a menu to the new button in messages to allow for quicker form
  type selection
- Add tooltips to all the buttons on the messages and files toolbars
- Add a preferences setting for toolbar button size
- Fix exposing directories to remote clients
- Allow keyboard navigation of preferences groups
- Fix repeater failing to expire the last-known path for a reconnected
- Fix repeater failing to exit with a running thread and connected user
- Add a toggle to the repeater UI for enabling authentication and a
  button to edit the users file
- Move the users.txt file to the profile so it doesn't get blown away on
  each win32 reinstall
- Add some preliminary spell-checking code to the chat input box
- Display the user's currently-configured callsign in the bottom right
  corner of the main window
- Fix (again) the linux RPM build

The first-time-startup bits are things I did to try to make it easier
for a new user to start D-RATS, configure his callsign, and connect to
the ratflector.  I'd really appreciate some testing of this, if people
could install D-RATS on a clean computer and/or delete/rename their
configuration directory for the purposes of a test.

The spell-checking stuff is rather rough, but seems to work.  On Linux,
it should just work, if enabled.  On Windows, you'll need to install
Aspell and a dictionary.  However, both are small and easy:


Windows users will also need to add the Aspell directory to your path.
To do this, right-click on My Computer, click Properties.  Then go to
the Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.  In the "System
Variables" group, find the entry for PATH and click Edit.  Tack the
following on to the end of the string and hit OK:

  C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin

You'll know if you got it working because the "Check spelling" check box
will not let you check it unless it finds the spelling system.

I'm sure most Windows power users know how to do this, so if we can get
some confirmation that it works and is reasonable, I will document the
process with screenshots and all on the website for people not as familiar.

On Windows, it feels to me that having spell checking enabled slows down
the processing of input to the window there, but it may be because I'm
accessing my Windows machine remotely.  I'd really appreciate if some
people could install the spell libraries and test this out and let me
know.  There are probably some things I can do to improve performance,
but I need to confirm that it's a problem first.


Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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