[drats_users] Sending Email
Ron Wenig
Sun Nov 8 16:53:59 PST 2009
Hi Dan,
I'm testing sending email to someone who is on RF. I have the D-Rats
configured address as ny3j at verizon.net. I am sending this from my
personal email rwenig at verizon.net. The format of the address is:
n3tsz <ny3j at verizon.net>
D-Rats receives the email ok and puts it in the Inbox. It does not move
to the Outbox but stays in the Inbox. The recipient has the callsign so
D-Rats did strip it out but it doesn't move the message. In Email
access I have * in the callsign and both in access and nothing in the
filter. I have automatic forward message checked and flush time of 60
seconds. I'm using 3.2b4. Attached is the debug log.
Thanks, Ron ny3j
Dan Smith wrote:
>> One question: Is it possible to send an email to the DRATS configured
>> address that will automatically get routed to a station on the DRATS
>> network? In other words, what would the email have to look like for
>> DRATS to recognize it as bound for another station and put it in the
>> outbox for forwarding?
> Yes, if you can craft the address properly. An properly formatted
> internet email address looks something like the following:
> Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>
> Where there is a name and an address. The address is inside the <>
> brackets and the bit before it is the name. D-RATS uses the name
> portion as the destination callsign, and obviously the address needs to
> be fixed. So, if your D-RATS address is bud at talbot.com, then you can
> format a message to be sent to me by sending the mail to the following:
> KK7DS <bud at talbot.com>
> D-RATS will receive it because of the address. It will then pull out
> the "KK7DS" and put that in the destination callsign of the resulting
> form and place it in the Outbox.
> Make sense?
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