[drats_users] TNC Port Support

Tony Langdon, VK3JED
Thu May 28 16:55:27 PDT 2009

At 01:46 AM 5/29/2009, you wrote:
> > I thought UI frames were just sent, with no ARQ.  If the frame was
> > corrupted, then it's simply lost.
>I think he means that D-RATS does the ARQ stuff itself and doesn't
>need to implement or rely on that bit of AX.25.

Assuming you want to do that.  The alternative is to have a truly 
broadcast medium, and if something is lost, well, bad luck.  ARQ 
mechanisms aren't likely to scale well with a lot of packet users, 
hidden stations, etc...  Now, if the packet side is setup on a split 
pair (like a D-STAR repeater), it'd probably work better, and more 
like the D-STAR side works, no hidden stations, etc.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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