[drats_users] D-RATS 0.3.0b9

Debbie Fligor
Wed May 27 19:31:11 PDT 2009

This is an awesome feature.  as much as I like D-STAR, it's not  
available everywhere (yet :).  D-RATS is a great EmComm interface, and  
being able to use it on both analog and digital modes will be a big win.

I'll think about the need (or lack thereof) for AX.25 support and  
answer that part later.

thanks again for all your hard work on this!

-debbie, N9DN

On May 27, 2009, at 20:00, Dan Smith wrote:
> - Add preliminary TNC support
> I think the last item deserves some explanation.  With this version,
> you can add a port of type "TNC" and point it at the serial port of a
> KISS-mode TNC.  If you have a buddy do the same thing, you can use the
> TNCs and FM radios just like a D-STAR radio.  You're not transmitting
> D-STAR, of course, you're just using the TNC as a modem instead of a
> D-STAR radio.  Note that this does not (yet) include AX.25 support, so
> you can only talk to other people on frequency with a similar
> configuration.
> This has some benefits:
> 1. You can use D-RATS without D-STAR radios entirely
> 2. You can use high-speed TNCs for better throughput
> 3. You can attach a D-STAR radio and a TNC at the same time and
>   service clients from both networks
> Right now, the performance is not as good as it should be, and it will
> drop some packets now and again due to the naivety of the KISS code,
> but that will be fixed up pretty soon.
> I haven't decided about AX.25 support just yet.  It's a can of worms
> I'm not sure I want to open.  Comments about the current functionality
> and arguments for/against AX.25 support would be appreciated.
> Thanks!

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